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Guide to the California State Railroad Museum Craft Seniority Roster Collection MS 866
MS 866  
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Alameda Belt Line: Trainmen, Enginemen,Yardmen 1937

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Amador Central: All crafts listed January 1953

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Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: Valley Division; Section Foremen January 1932

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Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: Valley Division; all crafts listed 1937

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Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: Valley Division; all crafts listed 1941

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Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: Colorado Division; all crafts listed; booklet January 7, 1948

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Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: New Mexico Division; all crafts listed January 7, 1948

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Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: Valley Division; all crafts listed January 1953

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Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: Colorado Division; all crafts listed January 7, 1953

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Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: San Joaquin Division; all crafts listed, booklet 1958

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Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: All crafts listed January 7, 1960

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Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: Los Angeles Division, all crafts listed 1976

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Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: Los Angeles Division, Engineers January 1, 1976

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Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: Los Angeles Division, Firemen January 1, 1976

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Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: Los Angeles Division, Engineers January 1, 1980

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Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe: Los Angeles Division, Firemen January 1, 1980

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Big 4 Railroad Record, Complete Roster of all Conductors, Brakemen, Engineers, Firemen and Switchmen of the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe (Arizona and Valley Divisions), Western Pacific (Western Division), Southern Pacific (Stockton, San Joaquin and Mountain Division) March 1923

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Chicago & North Western: East Iowa Division; all crafts listed; booklet January 4, 1906

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Chicago & North Western: Ashland Division; all crafts listed; booklet 1942-1943

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Great Northern: Dakota Division; Station and Tower June 4, 1928

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Great Northern: Minot Division; Dakota Division; Montana Division; all crafts listed; booklet 1928

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Great Northern: Klamath Division, all crafts listed January 1, 1955

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Great Northern: Klamath Division, all crafts listed 1964

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Great Northern: All Divisions; all crafts listed; booklet 1967

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Great Northern: Dakota Division; Agents, Telegraphers, Levermen January 1, 1967

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Interurban Electric: All Divisions; all crafts 1941

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Los Angeles Commissary: Lounge and Club Car Attendants January 1, 1962

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Los Angeles Commissary: Stewards January 1, 1962

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Los Angeles Commissary: Senior District; Train News Agents January 1, 1962

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Los Angeles Commissary: Lounge and Club Car Attendants January 1, 1963

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Los Angeles Commissary: Second Cooks January 1, 1963

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Los Angeles Commissary: Senior District; Train News Agents January 1, 1963

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Los Angeles Commissary: Lounge and Club Car Attendants January 1, 1964

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Los Angeles and Salt Lake: Los Angeles Division; all crafts listed 1931

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Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal; Red Caps January 1, 1960

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Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal; All employees, except Red Caps January 1, 1960

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Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal; Red Caps January 1, 1961

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Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal; All employees, except Red Caps January 1, 1961

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Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal; All employees, except Red Caps January 1, 1963

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Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal; All employees except Red Caps January 1, 1964

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Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal; All employees January 1, 1966

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Los Angeles Union Passenger Terminal; Red Caps January 1, 1962

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Minneapolis, St. Paul & St. Ste. Marie: All Division, all crafts listed 1928

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Modesto-Empire Traction Co.: All crafts listed January 1953

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Nevada-California & Oregon: All crafts listed 1930

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Northern Pacific: Seattle Division, Engineers July 1, 1913

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Northern Pacific: Dakota Division, all crafts listed 1928

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Northern Pacific: Fargo Division, all crafts listed 1928

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Northern Pacific: Yellowstone Division, all crafts listed 1928

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Northern Pacific: Coast Division, Engineers and firemen 1932-1934

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Northern Pacific: System Division; Transportation-Communication; booklet 1970

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Northwestern Pacific: Western Division & North Shore Division; Firemen 1907

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Northwestern Pacific: Southern Division; Firemen January 3, 1931

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Northwestern Pacific: Northern Division; Conductors July 1, 1956

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Northwestern Pacific: Stores Department January 1, 1956-January 1, 1963

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Northwestern Pacific: Tiburon, Willits, Eureka, Road Shops; Shopmen July 1, 1956

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Northwestern Pacific: Tiburon, Willits, Eureka, Road Shops; Shopmen July 1, 1958

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Northwestern Pacific: Tiburon, Willits, Eureka, Road Shops; Shopmen July 1, 1959

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Northwestern Pacific: Tiburon, Willits, Eureka, Road Shops; Shopmen July 1, 1959

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Northwestern Pacific: Tiburon, Willits, Eureka, Road Shops; Shopmen July 1, 1964

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Northwestern Pacific: Tiburon, Willits, Eureka, Road Shops; Shopmen July 1, 1965

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Northwestern Pacific: Tiburon, Willits, Eureka, Road Shops; Shopmen July 1, 1966

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RESTRICTED Northwestern Pacific: System; all crafts listed January 1, 1976

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Oregon, California, and Eastern: All crafts listed 1946

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Oregon, California, and Eastern: All crafts listed 1955

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Oregon, California, and Eastern: All crafts listed 1964

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Oregon, California and Eastern: All crafts listed; RESTRICTED Contact CSRM L&A for public copy 1962, 1965, 1966 June 1, 1956-January 1, 1967

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Oregon Electric Railway: All crafts listed 1927-1928

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Pacific Fruit Express: Roseville; all crafts listed; booklet 1956

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Pacific Fruit Express: Roseville; all crafts listed; booklet April 1, 1978

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Pennsylvania Railroad System: Western Pennsylvania Division, Mongahela Division; all crafts listed; booklet 1925

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Sacramento Northern: All crafts listed 1953

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Sacramento Northern: All crafts listed 1956

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Sacramento Northern: All crafts listed 1976

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: B&B Dept., Clerical, Maintenance of Way, Motive Power & Car Dept., Telegraphers January 1, 1958

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: Telegraphers July 1, 1958

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: B&B Dept., Clerical, Mechanics & Helpers, Telegraphers, Track Employees January 1, 1959

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: Mechanics & Helpers, Telegraphers July 1, 1959

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: B&B Dept., Clerical, Mechanical Dept., Telegraphers, Track workers January 1, 1960

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: Mechanical & Helpers, Telegraphers July 1, 1960

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: B&B Dept., Clerical, Mechanics & Helpers, Telegraphers, Track Employees January 1, 1961

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: Mechanical & Helpers, Telegraphers July 1, 1961

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: B&B Dept., Clerical, Mechanical Dept., Telegraphers, Track Employees January 1, 1962

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: Mechanical Dept., Telegraphers July 1, 1962

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: B&B Dept., Clerical, Maintenance of Way, Mechanical Dept., Telegraphers January 1, 1963

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: Mechanical Dept., Telegraphers July 1, 1963

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: B&B Dept., Clerical, Maintenance of Way, Mechanical Dept., Telegraphers January 1, 1964

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: Mechanical Dept., Telegraphers July 1, 1964

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: Mechanical Dept., Telegraphers January 1, 1965

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: B&B Dept., Clerical, Maintenance of Way, Mechanical Dept., Telegraphers January 1, 1966

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San Diego & Arizona Eastern: Mechanical Dept., Telegraphers July 1, 1966

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers January 1896

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division; Engineers May 1898

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers January 1, 1908

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers January 1, 1910

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen 1910

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers January 1, 1911

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen January 1, 1911

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; Conductor, Passenger Brakemen, Freight Brakemen July 1, 1911

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen July 1, 1911

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Southern Pacific: Stockton Division; Conductors, Freight Brakemen, Passenger Brakemen July 1, 1911

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers January 1, 1912

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen January 1, 1912

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen July 1, 1912

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Southern Pacific: Los Angeles Division; Engineers, Brakemen 1913-1916

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers January 1, 1913

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers July 1, 1913

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Southern Pacific: Stockton Division; Conductors, Brakemen July 1, 1913

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen January 1, 1914

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Southern Pacific: Stockton Division; Conductors, Brakemen January 1, 1914

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; Conductors, Brakemen July 1, 1914

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen July 1, 1914

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division; Switch Engineers 1915

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen January 1, 1915

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers July 1, 1915

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen July 1, 1915

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division; Engineers July 1, 1915

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Southern Pacific: Stockton Division; Conductors, Brakemen January 1, 1915

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Southern Pacific: Stockton Division; Conductors, Brakemen July 1, 1915

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division; Firemen July 1915

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen July 1, 1916

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Enginemen January 1, 1917

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Enginemen January 1, 1917

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen January 1, 1917

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers July 1, 1917

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen July 1, 1917

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Southern Pacific: No division listed; no craft listed January 1, 1917

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers January 1, 1918

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen January 1, 1918

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; Conductors, Brakemen July 1, 1918

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers July 1, 1918

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen July 1, 1918

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers July 1, 1918

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers January 1, 1919

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen January 1, 1919

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen July 1, 1919

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Southern Pacific: Stockton Division; Conductors July 1, 1919

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks November 7, 1919

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks December 29, 1919

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers January 1, 1920

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Firemen January 1, 1920

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks April 8, 1920

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Southern Pacific: General Office; MP Department; General Office Clerks April 14, 1920

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Department, Roster 22 July 17, 1920

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks February 11, 1921

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Southern Pacific: General Office; MP Department; General Office Clerks April 11, 1921

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks April 11, 1921

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Southern Pacific: Salt Lake Division; all crafts listed 1921

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Southern Pacific: Salt Lake Division; all crafts listed 1922

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Engineers, Firemen (fragile) January 1, 1922

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks January 11, 1922

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks July 21, 1922

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks October 10, 1922

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks January 15, 1923

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Southern Pacific: Stockton, San Joaquin Division; all crafts listed March 1923

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Southern Pacific: Stockton, San Joaquin, Western Division; all crafts listed April 1923

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Southern Pacific: General Offices, MP Department; General Office Clerks July 23, 1923

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Southern Pacific: Shasta Division; all crafts listed July 1923

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Southern Pacific: Los Angeles Division; Telegraphers January 1, 1924

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento, Salt Lake Division; all crafts listed 1924

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks February 18, 1924-March 21, 1924

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks July 22, 1924

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed December 1925

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks January 22, 1925

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks July 21, 1925

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed 1926

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks January 22, 1926

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks August 9, 1926

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 15 January 25, 1927

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 16 July 25, 1927

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division, Shasta Division; all crafts listed 1927-1928

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Southern Pacific: Colfax District; Section & Extra Gang Laborers January 27, 1927

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed June 1928

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 17 January 11, 1928

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 18 July 9, 1928

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed 1928

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Southern Pacific: East Bay Electric January 1, 1929

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 19 April 22, 1929

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Southern Pacific: Shasta Division; all crafts listed June 1929

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Southern Pacific: Los Angeles Division; Telegraphers July 1, 1929

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 20 July 29, 1929

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Maintenance of Way January 1, 1930

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Southern Pacific: Los Angeles, San Joaquin Division; all crafts listed 1930

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Southern Pacific: [Portland?] Division 1924-1950

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt Motive Power, Roster 21 January 21, 1930

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Southern Pacific: Shasta Division; all crafts listed 1930

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; all crafts listed 1931

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed January 1931

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Conductors July 1, 1931

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Southern Pacific: Western Division (Electric Lines); Suburban Conductors July 1, 1931

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Engineers July 1, 1931

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Firemen July 1, 1931

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Hostlers July 1, 1931

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Telegraphers, Dispatchers July 1, 1931

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; West Oakland Yardmen, Switch Tenders July 1, 1931

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Freight, Passenger Brakemen July 1, 1931

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Freight Brakemen July 1, 1931

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Passenger Brakemen, Train Baggagemen July 1, 1931

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Signal Operators July 1, 1931

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Southern Pacific: Western Division (Electric Lines); Suburban Brakemen July 1, 1931

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Southern Pacific: Western Division (Electric Lines); Train Gatemen July 1, 1931

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 23 January 9, 1931-February 13, 1931

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 24 July 29, 1931

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 25 January 25, 1932

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 26 July 22, 1932

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 27 January 3, 1933

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 28 July 1, 1933

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 29 January 30, 1934

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 30 August 3, 1934

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 1 January 29, 1935

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 1 July 22, 1935

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 1 January 22, 1936

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 1 July 22, 1936

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 1 January 28, 1937

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 1 July 1, 1937

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; all crafts lists 1937

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 1 January 1, 1938

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 1 July 1, 1938

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Southern Pacific: San Joaquin Division; all crafts listed July 1939-July 1940

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Southern Pacific: Shasta Division; Freight Conductors, Freight Brakemen July 1, 1939

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 1 January 3, 1939

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 1 July 1, 1939

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power January 2, 1940

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Supt. Motive Power, Roster 1 July 1, 1940

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed 1941

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Dept; Technical Employees January 1, 1942

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerk January 1, 1943

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; Technical Employees January 1, 1943

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento General Shops; Carmen Helpers July 29, 1943

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento General Shops; Carmen Apprentices July 29, 1943

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento General Shops; Carmen July 29, 1943

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento General Shops; Patternmakers, Patternmakers Apprentices, Patternmakers Helper July 29, 1943

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks January 1, 1944

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; Technical Employees January 1, 1944

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; Technical Employees January 1, 1944

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; all crafts listed April 1944

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks January 1, 1945

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; Technical Employees January 1, 1945

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Southern Pacific: Shasta Division; Firemen July 1, 1945

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed September 1945

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; all crafts listed January 1946

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Clerks January 1, 1946

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; Technical Employees January 1, 1946

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Southern Pacific: Los Angeles Division; all crafts listed 1946

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division; Operating Department (Locomotive Engineers, Firemen, Hostlers, Freight & Passenger Conductors, Brakemen, Yardmen) 1946

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Southern Pacific: Shasta Division; all crafts listed 1946

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento General Shops; Carmen Apprentices June 30, 1946

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed 1947

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed July 1, 1947

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Carmen Helpers January 1947

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Motive Power, Car Department Mechanics July 1, 1947

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; Technical Employees January 1, 1948

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; all crafts listed 1948

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Motive Power, Car Department Mechanics July 1, 1948

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed September 1948

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Office Motive Power January 1, 1948

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; General Clerk Motive Power January 1, 1949

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Southern Pacific: General Office, MP Department; Technical Employees January 1, 1949

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Motive Power, Car Department Mechanics January 1, 1949

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Motive Power, Car Department July 1, 1949

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento, Shasta Division; all crafts listed July 1, 1949

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; all crafts listed 1950

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division; Operating Department; Brakemen 1950-1964 (Does not include 1955, 1956, 1957, 1960, 1963)

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division; Operating Department; Freight & Passenger Conductors 1950-1964 (Does not include lists for 1956 & 1957)

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division; Yardmasters January 1, 1950-January 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Salt Lake Division; Maintenance of Way, Electricians, Foremen, Laborers, etc. 1950-1964

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed July 1951

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed July 1952

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Southern Pacific: No division listed; all crafts listed 1953

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Southern Pacific: San Joaquin Division; all crafts listed 1953

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Southern Pacific: San Joaquin Division; all crafts listed July 1953

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed July 1953

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Southern Pacific: Western Division (Stockton District), all crafts listed July 1953

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed July 1954

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed 1954

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed 1954-1955

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Yardmen 1955

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Southern Pacific: Shasta Division; all crafts listed 1955

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed July 1955

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Southern Pacific: Los Angeles, Yuma Divisions; all crafts listed 1956

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed 1956

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Sacramento General Stores January 1, 1957

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed 1957-1958

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Conductors July 1, 1957

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Conductors July 1, 1958

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Sacramento General Stores January 1, 1958

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; Technical Employees January 1, 1960

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Sacramento General Stores January 2, 1956

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Sacramento General Stores January 1, 1959

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Brakemen January 1, 1959

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Sacramento General Stores January 1, 1960

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; Technical Employees January 1, 1960

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Technical Employees January 1, 1960

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; Technical Employees January 1, 1961

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Sacramento General Stores January 1, 1961

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Conductors January 1, 1961

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Conductors July 1, 1961

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; Technical Employees January 1, 1962

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division, Maintenance of Way January 1, 1962-January 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division, Non-Operating (Roadmasters, B&B Department, Water Service Department) January 1, 1962-January 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division; Signal Foreman, Signalmen, Helpers 1962-1964

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division; Switchmen January 1, 1962-January 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division; Telegraphers January 1, 1962

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division; Enginemen, Yardmen, Trainmen; booklet 1962

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Southern Pacific: Portland Division; Firemen & Engineers 1962-1964

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Southern Pacific: Salt Lake Division; Brakemen January 1, 1962-January 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Salt Lake Division, Conductors January 1, 1962-January 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Salt Lake Division; Non-operating, Maintenance of Way, B&B Dept., Water Service 1962-1964

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Southern Pacific: Salt Lake Divison; Ogden-Carlin Sub-division & Sparks, Imlay, Mina Sub-division; Firemen January 1, 1962-July 1, 1963

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Southern Pacific: Salt Lake Division: Operating Department; Engineers 1962

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Southern Pacific: Salt Lake Division, Signalmen January 1, 1962-January 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Salt Lake Division, Yardmasters & Switchmen January 1, 1962-January 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Brakemen January 1, 1962

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Conductors, Brakemen July 1, 1962

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Technical Employees August 1, 1962

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; Technical Employees January 1, 1963

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; Clerks May 15, 1963

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Southern Pacific (Pacific Lines): Sacramento General Stores; Office of General Storekeeper January 1, 1963

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed; booklet 1963

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Technical Employees January 1, 1963

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Southern Pacific: Tucson-Rio Grande Division; Rio Grande District; Trainmen El Paso East July 1, 1963

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Southern Pacific: Western Division, formerly Stockton Division; Conductors July 1, 1963

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Conductors July 1, 1963

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Southern Pacific: Salt Lake Division, Telegraphers January 1, 1963-January 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; Clerks January 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; Technical Employees January 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Coast Division; Technical Employees May 11, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Los Angeles District: Train News Agents January 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Los Angeles Division; Switchmen January 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Technical Employees January 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Shasta Division; all crafts listed, booklet July 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Conductors July 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Brakemen July 1, 1964

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Southern Pacific (Pacific Lines) El Paso General Stores, Mechanics, Helpers & Apprentices July 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Los Angeles Division; Conductors July 1965

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Southern Pacific: Los Angeles Division; Red Cap Porters January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Nogales, Arizona Terminal; Engineers January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Oregon Division; Maintenance of Way Dept., Signal Dept. (Shasta District) July 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Oregon Division; Maintenance of Way & Structures Dept., Water Service Sub-Dept. RESTRICTED Contact CSRM L&A Staff for public copy January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Oregon Division; Shasta District: Conductors January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Red Cap Station Porters January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Brakemen January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division, Conductors January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific (Pacific Lines): Sacramento Division; Signal Foremen January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Technical Employees January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Salt Lake Division; Western District, Maintenance of Way Dept. Water Service January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Salt Lake Division; Maintenance of Way & Structures, B&B Sub-division RESTRICTED Contact CSRM L&A for public copy January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Salt Lake Division; Maintenance of Way & Structures Dept., Water Services sub-dept. RESTRICTED Contact CSRM L&A for public copy

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Southern Pacific: San Joaquin Division; Maintenance of Way & Structures Dept., Track Sub-Dept. (class no. 1 Track foremen) RESTRICTED Contact CSRM L&A for public copy January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: San Joaquin Division; Maintenance of Way & Structures Dept., Track Sub-Dept. (Assistant track foremen) RESTRICTED Contact CSRM L&A for public copy January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: San Joaquin Division; Mountain Conductors January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: San Joaquin Division; Valley Conductors January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific (Pacific Lines): San Joaquin Division; Maintenance of Way, Motor Car Mechanics Helpers & Apprentices January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific (Pacific Lines): Tucson Division Shops; Mechanics, Helpers and Apprentices July 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Tucson Division; Maintenance of Way Dept: Track Sub-Department January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Tucson Division; Maintenance of Way Dept: Bridge & Building Sub- Department, Water Service Sub-Department

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Southern Pacific (Pacific Lines): West Oakland Mill; Mechanics and Helpers January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Brakemen January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Conductors January 1, 1965

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Southern Pacific: Los Angeles Freight and Sub-stations January 1, 1966

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Southern Pacific: San Joaquin Division; Conductors July 1, 1966

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Southern Pacific: Tucson Division, Clerks Roster No. 3 January 1, 1966

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Southern Pacific: Western Division, San Joaquin Division; Brakemen Consolidated Seniority Roster July 1, 1966

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Conductors July 1, 1966

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Southern Pacific: San Francisco General Offices; Clerks January 1, 1967

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Southern Pacific: Los Angeles Division; Telegraphers July 1, 1967

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Southern Pacific (Pacific Lines): Stationary Stores January 1, 1967

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Southern Pacific (Pacific Lines): West Oakland General Stores; Clerks January 1, 1967

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Southern Pacific: Tucson Division, Rio Grande Division; Freight Brakemen (only page 14, pages 1-13 missing) January 1, 1967

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Southern Pacific: Western Division, San Joaquin Division; Brakemen Consolidated Seniority Roster January 1, 1967

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; San Joaquin Division; Brakemen Consolidated Seniority Roster January 1, 1969

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Southern Pacific: San Joaquin Division (formerly Stockton Division); Conductors January 1, 1969

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Southern Pacific: San Joaquin Division (formerly Stockton Division); Conductors July 1, 1969

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Southern Pacific: Western Division, San Joaquin Division; Brakemen July 1, 1969

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Conductors July 1, 1969

box 4

Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Conductors July 1, 1970

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Southern Pacific: San Joaquin Division; Telegraphers July 1, 1971

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Southern Pacific: Los Angeles Division; Telegraphers July 1, 1971

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Southern Pacific: Oregon Division; all crafts listed, booklet January 1, 1972

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Southern Pacific: Oregon Division; all crafts listed, booklet January 1, 1973

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed, booklet January 1, 1974

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division, Sacramento District, Shasta District; all crafts listed, booklet 1975

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Southern Pacific: Oregon Division; all crafts listed, booklet 1976

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Southern Pacific: Pacific Lines, System Seniority Roster; Conductors, Brakemen, Switchmen RESTRICTED Contact CSRM L&A Staff for public copy January 1, 1976

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; Technical Employees January 1, 1976

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed, booklet January 1, 1976

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Southern Pacific: Western Division; Swtichmen July 1, 1977

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Southern Pacific: Oregon Division; all crafts listed, booklet 1979

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed, booklet 1982

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Southern Pacific: Sacramento Division; all crafts listed, booklet 1985

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Tidewater Southern: All crafts listed January 1, 1943

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Union Pacific: Los Angeles Division; all crafts listed 1925

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Union Pacific: Utah Division, Idaho Division; all crafts listed, booklet 1944

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Union Pacific: Denver Division; all crafts listed, booklet 1949

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Union Pacific: California Division; all crafts listed, booklet 1957

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West Side: All crafts listed March 15, 1953

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Western Pacific: Engineers December 31, 1911

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Western Pacific: Firemen December 31, 1911

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Western Pacific: No craft specified 1912

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Western Pacific: Western Division; Engineers January 1, 1912

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Western Pacific: Eastern Division; Conductors, Brakemen July 1, 1912

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Western Pacific: Eastern Division; Enginemen July 1, 1912

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Western Pacific: Western Division; Conductors June 19, 1913

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Western Pacific: Western Division; Conductors, Brakemen June 19, 1913

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Western Pacific: Oroville Division; Yardmen March 1923

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Western Pacific: Portola Division; Yardmen March 1923

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Western Pacific: Sacramento Division; Yardmen March 1923

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Western Pacific: Stockton Division; Yardmen March 1923

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Western Pacific: Terminal Division; Switchmen March 1923

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Western Pacific: Terminal Division; San Francisco Yard March 1923

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Western Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed March 1923

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Western Pacific: Oroville Division January 1, 1932

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Western Pacific: Western Division; Firemen July 1, 1937

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Western Pacific: Western Division; Engineers, Firemen, Conductors, Brakemen 1937

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Western Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed, booklet 1938

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Western Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed, booklet 1940

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Western Pacific: Western Division; Engineers, Firemen, Conductors 1941

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Western Pacific: Eastern Division; all crafts listed 1944

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Western Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed 1944

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Western Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed 1946

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Western Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed 1947

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Western Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed 1947-1948

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Western Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed, booklet 1950-1951

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Western Pacific: Western Division; Brakemen July 1, 1953

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Western Pacific: Western Division; Conductors January 1, 1953

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Western Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed, booklet July 1, 1953

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Western Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed, booklet July 1, 1956

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Western Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed, booklet 1956-1957

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Western Pacific: Western Division; all crafts listed, booklet 1957-1958

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Western Pacific: Eastern Division; Conductors January 1, 1973

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Western Pacific: Eastern Division; Engineers January 1, 1973

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Western Pacific: Eastern Division; Firemen January 1, 1973

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Western Pacific: Western Division; Conductors January 1, 1973

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Western Pacific: Western Division; Engineers January 1, 1973

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Western Pacific: Western Division; Firemen January 1, 1973

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Western Pacific: Clerks Seniority District #18 July 1, 1975

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Western Pacific: Mechanical Department July 1, 1975

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Western Pacific: Western Division; Conductors, consolidated July 1, 1975

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Western Pacific: Yard Brakemen July 1, 1975

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Western Pacific: Maintenance of Way Department January 1, 1975

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Western Pacific: Road Brakemen July 1, 1975

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Western Pacific: Eastern Division; Conductors, consolidated July 1, 1975

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Western Pacific: Clerks Seniority District #18 January 1, 1979

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Western Pacific: Maintenance of Way Department January 1, 1980

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Western Pacific: Maintenance of Way Department January 1, 1981

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Western Pacific: Clerks Seniority District #18 January 1, 1982